Not a day without Guernsey

This was not caused by a fetishized vandal like in Prague. You see the culprit in the background. What their sight and smell and dexterity in flight.

I love Nice. I also. Privately great praise for this stand for cyclists. And here they have the biggest oranges on the CdA.


B, L, D, etc. disappeared, DZ arrived. The only ferry from Nice on the horizon. In Corsica. I always forget time. I would go see the departure.

You can still take the TGV to Paris at 7.17 pm. 800 km. And at half past nine sitting on a glass of wine in Paris. In our country, only trains with workers to district cities of approx. 30 km. They wouldn’t get anywhere else until midnight.

Monaco Friday 36, Cannes yesterday 34, Nice 35.

If you are in France, don’t forget to try Buchette Foret Noir. I already knew from my looks that it would be good. But the inside of it was full of cherries like Mon Cheri candies. I’ve never eaten anything delicious.                                                                                                           

Tour Rekord Woche. 53 (+6). Nur NMK fehlte. Aber viele Punkten schon früher gesehene. Z.B.KWT,AUS aus Cannes usw. Trotzdem verhältnissmässig ein Wahnsinn.

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