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The largest and smallest Emirates

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One more test

So what could it be?                                         UAE Fujairah, PRG Premiere Domestic news: A “škodovka” got in our way Foreign news: BRICS opened … Continue reading

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The most beautiful way to work

Maserati MC 12 were once produced in 50. Here are 2. Each one is different. UAE Fujaira, alltime Premiere While the preparations for the GP on the last Sunday of May are at 50%, the Rolex Masters Monte Carlo is … Continue reading

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Eventually the Lp disappeared under the snow and ice

Woche mit 46 (+-0) Länder. Kein BY. Trotz Bedingungen, gute Leistung.

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Sunday: Premiere around every corner

Azerbaijan AZ CD alltime Premiere        Albania AL tempor alltime Premiere UAE Sharjah Export alltime Premiere                                                                                 Supercars of Palestine landed on my Facebook a while ago. And then every day dozens of other Rolls Royces, Lamborghinis, etc. We were … Continue reading

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Get rid of boring Sundays. The most interesting day.

Holidays are over in Scandinavia. The trucks completely blocked Puttgarden. I salute like Richard Hammond and enthusiastically communicate. The Morgans are driving.   Spice up the route. Showmens. But no one beats this pair. He looks great like Peter Fonda … Continue reading

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A colorful start to the new week

The deep depression from the way CZ is led by the current set is difficult to balance with nice catches.  

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Raphael, you were right. 2 Emirates a week would be too much.

There are three roads from the station. Escalators and down the hall. Moving sidewalk direction and two elevators down and this year I drive the third. Through this exit from which an endless staircase leads down. And now I have discovered how … Continue reading

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Ferrari Tribute 2020

100 Ferraris and 8 Supercars owners, along with various units of the Italian police, paved the way for 41O participants in the 1000 Miglia 2020. The Italian police prefer at all junctions, so it is probably the only tolerated race … Continue reading

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The best spotting in PRG: get on any bus

Opposite the bus, Emirates Dubai suddenly passed us. No panic. I came to do what I had to do and returned to the meeting place when I returned. Maybe he’ll go back. He went to Albert for a snack and sat down on … Continue reading

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Fruits of closed borders

Emirates UAE, premiere 2020 as 71th ,very rare Sharjah                                                                … Continue reading

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IAA Frankfurt: The beginning of the end of cars and plates spotting.

Začátek konce slavné éry automobilismu. Od rytířů F1 po cesty kolem světa.                           Nebo si myslíte, že s elektroplechovkou od Mutti Merkel to bude možné?                                                         Kulisy jsou skvělé. Kulisy jsou vůbec … Continue reading

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Why all the best cars in the US have LP Montana?

Chinese lunchtime                                                                              … Continue reading

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Great Azerbaijani week

  Azerbaijan AZ , Foreign Comp. LP and Truck All time Premiere                                               There was also the Grand Prix of Azerbaijan F1. Charles Leclerk of Monaco won the training for the first time. However, he crashed on Saturday’s qualifying. Even the … Continue reading

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Plates, cars and dolce vita spotting on the Riviera

     K obědu dnes Gratin. Pohádkový.                                                                       … Continue reading

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Pitstop in Geneva

This is that Libya from Rue de Lausanne, Helvetics. Rare UAE Dubai Export and  Isle of Guernsey also from GE. This journey total 4.                                   … Continue reading

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Back in the PRG: Thunderstorms of catches

balance of one aftenoon and one evening                                                                                         Tunises TN  work foreign and pass                                                       … Continue reading

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Plates and Carsspotting London-Day 3

Catch of the day:  F1Legend Bernie Ecclestone  spotted in London                                                              … Continue reading

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London Plates and Carspotting-Day 1

    Excuse technical shortcomings. Especially very weak wifi, etc.                                              And tomorrow evening a Saturday report from London!

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Sunday saved the week

Emirates UAE Dubai                                                                                                                           Trabanti odstartovaly cestu do Indie                                                                                       Trabants started to India. Via Pakistan, TJ, KGZ, Nepal. Thanks to the tv -extremely popular travelers.                                                                                                                                              Die Woche mit 37 Länder. Nicht dabei EST,TR,P, IRL…

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