Dangerous A Kanzler Kurz, who liked the V4 states better than the Brussels phantasmagoria, disposed of ,CZ president Zeman again in the hospital and the coalition 2 (liberals) and K3 (conservatives) created by the ingenious deception won the election. Many people did not understand that these 5 pages will go together under the slogan “Antibabiš”. In addition, 3 parties of the current government remained just below 5%. The left has completely failed. For the first time in history, both social democracy and communists dropped out of the House.
Woche brachte 44 (+4) Länder. Kein MNE.
As always, Miroslav Macek, former Deputy Prime Minister of Václav Klaus government, has the best commentary:
Nezapomeňte na to, že volby, které nejvíce ovlivní náš budoucí život, již proběhly, a to v Německu.
Ty naše jen způsobí, že se budeme jen o něco rychleji ubírat do rudozelené německé (pardon, oficiálně bruselské) pr.ele. Takže hlavním vítězem voleb je Green Deal.
Nejhorší jsou zklamané naděje.
Remember that the elections that will have the greatest impact on our future lives have already taken place, in Germany.
Ours will only cause us to move a little faster to the red-green German (sorry, officially Brussels) ass. So the main winner of the election is the Green Deal.
The worst are disappointed hopes.