Most hotels have not opened yet

and they do well. Whoever opened must lose far more with such occupancy.
Otherwise, there was an increase in IL  waves from virtually from 0 to thousands a day in just a few days. We also “try”. Increase from Saturday to Sunday by 100! (from 165 to 264). I don’t go to the center. I would probably have to ask those I meet there: “Do you think it is best for you and your country to go your potential covid to exchange with foreign countries?” Sometimes I only drive along the left bank to have an overview. I have no desire to cross the bridge into the booze and prostitution part that used to be the mysterious Old Town with the genius loci like thunder. Once it drew me there and IS arrived. But it was incredibility at the ABH level.

   Top Gear in Monaco                                                                                                                               1. Clarkson and Hammond test a sharp hatchback and then they run out of ground. What is it asking H.? “This is Monaco. The dumbest place on earth. L.A. is against North Korea. We have to exchange cars, because with this they would arrest us downstairs for wandering,” says C., and they get into a bugatti and lambo.
2. They sit in the Café de Paris and watch the movement in front of the hotel. C. explains: “Look, the Ferrari has arrived now, but it will only stay there until some KZ arms dealer arrives for something better. Then this will be taken somewhere on the other side of town to the underground garage.” (of course I know where, there is room for 200 cars, in my time they filled max. 20-30).
3. So they think about what they would come up with so that they wouldn’t take their car and stay in front of the hotel aver night. And it worked. My (from seeing) everyday good mothers did not cope.

Starke Woche. 45 (+7). Best Ergebniss seit MC. Alles dabei. Auch 1 MNE TIR, 1AL CD und bekannte KSA ,PMR.

News. The number of cases in CZ increased by 305 on Sunday (which is otherwise always the weakest), so we get to the top again. This time from the opposite side.

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2 Responses to Most hotels have not opened yet

  1. gratuluji k vašim skvělým práci! Máte zajímavé články, přečtu si více.

    • materazzi says:

      Díky. Občas mě napadnou souvislosti, které jsem jinde neslyšel. Nejvíce mě zaráží , že se chováme jakoby došlo k jednorázové lokální katastrofě. Třeba výbuchu jaderné elektrárny nebo pádu meteoritu nebo tak. Hrozná událost, ale skončila. Teď nalijeme peníze a za pár měsíců budeme zpět, kde jsme byli. Myslím, že jsme v úplně jiné situaci , která potřebuje úplně jiná opatření.

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