What was it all for ?! Now, in the middle of the road, we are leaving everything under pressure from the media. Those proud times of belonging to win.
Now we can only believe that people will have common sense and will not travel anywhere. And most importantly, we won’t let anyone (with exceptions) come here. And those jerks who will still go to the sea and wear veils there, give up the buffet and stick to stay 2 m apart etc., I wish you a nice holiday. Canada CDN Strawberry truck GE MC
We already know KWT, S CD and one tweak
Our great neighbor, when we already had a curfew and the duty of veils – slept deeply. Like many others, he believed in a miracle. The current caution is all the more gratifying. Yes, Czechs are agile, but things are not coming to an end. We lack German consistency. So at least after a long time, my sympathy again. They should also arrest those smugglers of people from Libya who, under the guise of rescuing drowning people, take them 1 km from the LAR shores and do not take them back to shore, but hundreds of km to Europe.
40 steht zum Schluss für diese Woche. Also -3. Kein IRL umd natürlich auch kein MNE. RUS,TR usw. bleibt dicht. Kein Weg für LKW¨s vom UZ etc. Wir sollten ein Jahr völlig abschreiben, zu Hause reisen und nächstes Jahr wieder durchstarten. Was passiert jetzt? Jedesfall nicht schönes.