Armenia AM , 2020 Premiere (maybe last premiere this year) The most exposed Prague tram 22/23.
Before the Prague Castle stop – behind it.
Finally! The Czech Republic has been introducing border checks with Germany since Friday. Train and bus connections are canceled. Finally!
What flowed in those flixbuses, etc., we certainly do not need. In addition, Germany does nothing at all to combat coronavirus. Until yesterday, the media practically did not inform about it. Contrary to the search for help to “refugees”, the fight against right-wing extremism and people with a slightly opposite view. Like now hunt against Xavier Naidoo. Naidoo was a juror in the RTL singing competition. Then he posted one video and fired for a minute. Like Erich Hoenecker. And there before him. Naidoo is a Czech friend, he spends a lot of time here. Xavier Naidoo in Prague. Statesman. Donald Trump has banned Schengen citizens from entering the US. Except for the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Monaco.
Austria closed Brenner. And EU ?! Aktuel: On the Brenner is 90 km! Trucks MegaStau on the I side.
Monaco lies in the most sheltered belt between Italy and France. Yet they still have only 1 infected! 3 weeks no increase! In the cleanliness, order, and that the police filter 24 a lot of every visitor – in such an environment, the viruses fail.
Big LP show on the Prague 10. 1x 2020 Premiere, 2x 2020 new Premiere. Comming next.
Are you kidding?
There is nothing on the news here except Corona!?
What the hell. If you watched anything else but RT, you knew.
Although I’d agree with you that we could do more to battle the disease.
Greetings. I have not heard about you for a long time.
Yes, it is already clear that Koronavirus does not only affect Plates spotting, but everything.
I’d be a bad blogger if I didn’t bring information.
It is such an installment for the time we were looking for information in the West. Today, on the contrary, there are censored events and opinions from Poland, Hungary, Russia, the Czech Republic, etc.
So perhaps this info will bring something to someone.
Jannis, endlich sehe heute auf usw. Bewegung. Nach 14 Tagen Stillstand und Schweigen. Endlich!
Ich sage Dir, ich war in der Kohl Zeiten ein grosser Bewunderer von BRD. Aber was dort jetzt läuft, macht mir sehr unruhig. Seit Bianco Einladung von jedem aus ganzen Welt nach D und vorallem folgende Bemühung Merkel verteilen die zu uns hat sich viel verändert.Und das ist nicht Einziges. Es tut mir unheimlich weh, das muss ich früher so beliebtes Land jetzt als gefährlich und sehr unsymphatisch betrachten. Es ist nicht mein Schuld.