Roundabout at the border of Antibes/Juan les Pins – the center of CdA. If it hasn’t occurred to them yet – please have a tourist slogan.
The TGV stops in Antibes. Some second floors. Such is the interest. Nice-Paris,Gare du Lyon. Comfortable for a day trip. Hourly. Amazing.
Nice-CdA improvement. But like that! Isle of Guernsey GBG, new, 2023 and tour Premiere.
Monaco has its own extra VIP territory at the airport.
Nice-St.Augustin, a new ultra-modern district is growing here. The station is already new. Now right next to the airport. Each building completely different architecture. Have you been to Germany? A whole quarter of that Third Reich architecture. Massive, vertical windows. Unfortunately, Prague also took over. At all, CZ and D are currently the 2 most terrible countries on earth for me.
Больё sur Mer. Scheduled to be sure. The GBG used to stand in the harbor there. At least the old IRL remains. I’m drawn to Beaulieu. Half luxurious villa, half ordinary small town. Parks, casino. Beaulieu is different from everything between Menton and Nice. I’m interested in.