Look at those little Italian kids. That interest. It’s in their genes. I envy the Italians. Clarkson already writes: the greatest happiness that can happen to you is to be born Italian.
Waiting for the rally to return. When suddenly here: Isle of Man GBM (so maybe). At least that way. I don’t prepare a phone for every GB.
I see Volvo ran the 1985 Safari Rallye in Kenya colours. And the owner shows me a photo from that year. With a Kenyan Lp! Maybe he has it somewhere at home..
Cyprus has come back. But with crossed out numbers. He probably spent those 3 days in Valence in the repair shop.
And now comes the Champion!
Jean Claude Andreut. He won here in 1973. Of course with this Renault-Alpine A 110. And his co-driver Michelle Petit “Biche”. 82 years old – amazing!!!
The Swede certainly imported it with the Kenya Lp. You should have left that there! Anyway, he only drives it on rallies and no one will blame him there. The new S completely ruins it.