The hand of the lord opened after many years. Again in places where there weren’t even many Monacans. Let alone tourists. About 50 supercars are resting underground here. According to the shape, it is an absolute world show. That was when the Ferrari 250 was unveiled.
A unique view of Roccabella (3-brown) from the sea. Ringo Star used to stay there in the garden.
A traditional stop at the Fairmont Hotel. When suddenly… You see a bike opposite. Already at the Mirabeu corner, I’m a bit behind him. There he turns onto the Avenue des Citronniers. My chances are flying up. It’s a de facto dead end. He tries to park and I read Austria, Österreich. He is obviously concerned about my interest and quickly disappears.
I didn’t believe in the two states mentioned here, I didn’t believe that it was RUS and I didn’t believe in A.
The first thought flies to raphael. So it worked! He can!!!
Instead of Lp, I observe masses of Italians heading I don’t know where from to the casino.
Formerly the No. 1 European autocorso. Today, no supercars and, with the exception of UA, no Lp.