License plates of Madagascar RM , alltime Premiere as 120 th on the blog and 86th 2022. Province Antananarivo.
Today, as I suspected, only leftovers.
France is not at war. A positive finding. Neither do we. But the government decided we were at war.
But it’s not as hopeless as it used to be. People’s opposition to foreign war is growing. This is an extremely positive finding.
I met this one influential MEP. He reassured me, after all, it is our blood. I often think about it and on the contrary I think that there is no more distant mentality than UA. Even if SK left then without an agreement – I think there would not be even 1% of our population who would want to move to the eastern part of CS. Don’t they understand that half the country didn’t want to be with them?!
This is a big responsibility to have hundreds of thousands of soldiers killed and the country plundered! Heroism by no means.