Dr. Macek completely thrilled me again. All thoughts and feelings can be put into two sentences. I warmly recommend his website: viditelny-macek.cz. It’s worth translating.
Miroslav Macek
“We must help Ukraine to survive the conflict with as few losses as possible and to win in the end. The broader interest of our country is that Russian imperialism is finally stopped,” said Prime Minister Petr Fiala at the opening of the regular weekly meeting of Czech ambassadors in Prague.
They are wrong, the only interest of the citizens of the Czech Republic is to have a government that only cares about the republic flourishing and its citizens living contentedly and happily. The danger emanating from the red-green “mind Bolsheviks” in the leadership of the US, the EU and most European states is much, much more dangerous than alleged Russian imperialism.
And so that it wasn’t so terribly sad about- gloss Friday: Čeština je jazyk vtipný:
Plynu v ČR bude na podzim a v zimě dostatek. Jen při bližší analýze došlo k upřesnění, že nebude v potrubí, ale v ulicích, a nebude zemní, ale slzný. Czech is a funny language:
There will be plenty of gas in the Czech Republic in autumn and winter. Only upon closer analysis, it was clarified that it will not be in the pipeline, but in the streets, and it will not be earth, but teardrop.