Now just waiting for the lockdown

Every day I walk a few hundred meters through the forest and I am on one of the busiest streets. From the center in the direction of West Europe. In the morning, a direction full of vehicles leaving for the West. 5 tram stops down to the center. There were times when in those few minutes 20 states passed through. I remember a small exotic motorcycle loaded with a small man and a colorful cargo. Lp same color.
It was quiet for a long time now. It wasn’t until Thursday that he missed the GBZ in the opposite direction at the third stop. And on Friday loaded Audi with the US style brand at the fourth.                                                                                                                                               

The good old Intercontinental turns into Fairmont.

Be careful. Another wave of covid is advancing from the East. The border is now approximately Calais-Geneva-Venezia. Austria is going into a tough lockdown from Monday. The values in H, SK, CZ are the same. How long do rulers want to hold it before they admit reality?
You read everything here. Even at a time when there was talk of one dose and immunity forever. Not worth talking about.
If people do not wear FFP2 in any contact with another person as ordered in MC (and also hard required), everything is futile. Such a trifle! Pampered, weak, degenerate European population. Tourists from Japan, Taiwan … have been wearing masks voluntarily for a long time.                                                                                                                                                    Why did FFP2 be abandoned? That the vaccination lobby would win? Yes, it won.

Schon zum drittenmal 47 Staaten. Nur IRL nicht zu sehen. Viele Punkte aber schon gesehene CDN,GE,AM usw.

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