Autostrada A4 Venice-Milano

Sensational coarse-grained asphalt is said to be the best motorway in the world. 37 countries. All TIR, private 7? Basis the same as anywhere in Europe. PL, LV, LT, EST, H, CZ, SK, RO, BG, TR, SLO, HR, SRB, MK, BIH and NL trailers. Just here CY. Min. 3 demonstrably. Another about 3 trailer GR or CY (P-…). Malta I saw only an inscription on the sail. 2 TIR German name and Arabic inscriptions (about MA). Parking  direction Milan was overcrowded and the trucks were just passing by. I drove twice unnecessarily.               

The biggest traveler CH. They were returning from Greece. Apart from many CHs, no personal traffic at all.  GB only 2. And the cars that were definitely not English. D maybe 1 and L even 0. The only state missing today!
And when I entered the Ristorante / Shop I had a gun on my forehead right at the entrance. Covid test …

Rekord Woche seit MC. 46 Länder (+2). Alles, nur N u. FIN fehlen. Autobahn hat jede Menge Punkten gebracht. BY, MD, HR, MNE, AL, DK, CY. 1000Miglia AND, USA, UAE, J. Das kann sich nicht bald wiederholen.

The next: 1000 Miglia returned from the eternal city of Rome.
20% of participants were missing. The cars were dirty and slammed.

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