Canada 48th Countries this week (act.)

CDN White background, red letters. Note the atypical LP size. It wasn’t on the Arabic or Asian script. At the bottom right of the trunk could be the silhouette of the country of origin.                                                                                                                              add raphael comment

100 cyclists and escorts from Tour Kopenhagen-Paris arrived. So they took all the wi-fi.
In the evening I went to nature once. So at least 4 picture from today. Downloaded for about 5 minutes. MNE week premiere .

Tak aby byl včerejšek kompletní.                                                                                                          S dealer, S ala USA, celý den projížděla Garbage Rallye. Do kempu Puttgarden je nepouštěli. Asi věděli proč.                                                                                                                   Zklamaný, že nevím moto, jsem pro sobotu skončil a jel na pláž Niobe. Asi 10km. Tak hezká cesta. Celou dobu jsem si říkal. Zaplaťpámbů, že jsem všude byl než jsem se vrátil ke značkám.

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4 Responses to Canada 48th Countries this week (act.)

  1. raphael says:

    On the left trunk there is a CDN oval. With red letters that could be Alberta.

    • materazzi says:

      Thanks. I also found it on my mobile. Until tonight, when it’s better to see. Most importantly, we know.

  2. Jovata says:

    Moto KWT is amazing, just look at the map which route he had to go through. AX also always delights.

    • materazzi says:

      Yeah, the LP’s nice.
      But I’m here mainly because I’m in the nature, in the clean air and away from the “people” moving in the center of Prague.

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