Tip it!
1. How much do I meet GBJ, G, A, M, Z?
2. How many states from the Gulf? Specifically, KSA, UAE, Q, KWT, BRN, OM. (This is the number of countries – not the number of vehicles.) Every correct answer=1 point. Everyone can get 2 points.
End of voting Thursday 12.00.
I sit in TGV Lyon-Marseille and have a wifi.
All are winner. Indrek and René 2 points. All other 1 point.
So longing for a single GBJ, 2 Gulf, traditional AND (it just belongs to GE) and an extremely rare N Tourist tempor.
So it’s balance 2 hours yesterday evening and 2 hours today.
But that’s not all!
We will return to Geneva. It will be Tip it! for 3 points!
I think you will see 1 plate from the British Isles, and also only 1 plate from the Gulf! November is really the worst month for plates-spotting in Geneva :(
It will be so.
1x Alderney and 1x Bahrain.
Not only in GE!
1. GBJ 1x
2. 1(Q)
Tak teď teprve přišla krize do Prahy. Proto i v případě GE bych byl velmi zdrženlivý.
Jak píše Helvetics. Je to worst time.
Jinak kolem GE už musí být halda sněhu. No, uvidíme.
GBA in Genova ? Lol
I’ve never see any vehicle from Alderney even in St Malo. You were very lucky to see 2 cars there.
I would say Geneva*
Just like that!
So your tip for Geneva is 0-0?
No GBx
But 1 KSA + 1 Q !
OK. I write 1.0 ,2.2.
I will be more optimistic and go for 2 and 2!
That’s good when people are optimistic.
1. 2 (GBJ, GBG)
2. 2 (Q, KWT)
Wanna b
You don’t seem to have much time in geneva. Nevertheless, I’m guessing one success from the GBx areas and two catches from the Arab states. Good luck!
1. 1 x GBx
2. 2 x arab
Prague was completely empty.
Of course, I believe I am amused with LP.
But if I had to bet money,so 0-0.
OK . My tip. 2-0.
british isles 1, gulf 2
So this time you did.
So do it!
I am amazed! Within a few hours Q, KSA, GBJ, MA, AND, N Tempor and I old! That would have been three new countries for me! I guess I have to put Geneva on my excursion list. ;-) Or would I go down without a sound as someone who doesn’t know the city? You’ve been there a lot already and seem to know your way around a lot. How do you rate it? Is Geneva also lucrative for beginners?
Rene, that’s not all. When I hit the Cotte d’Azur here – we will return to GE.
I’ll be coming to London, Paris, Geneva and I’m going alone. According to intuition. You are tracking traffic, etc.
Geneva is small. It’s such a nice, clean, safe city.
You’ll find everything right now.
So you won again. And I believed the others would catch you up. I would cheer you back when you were not first.
Und ein einziges,der kein Punkt kriegt, bin ich. Mit 2-0 oder 0-0 Tip.
Hahaha! Ich bin gerne bereit zu tauschen! Du bekommst meine Punkte und ich sehe all die tollen plates. :-) Bin auf deinen Reiseverlauf und das nächste Tip it! gespannt.
Die LP´s sind mit GE erledigt. Jetzt ist Zeit für Urlaub. Heute 15C teilweise mit Regen ,morgen 15 mit Sonne.
Aber bleibe dran. Bald sind wir mit GE Ereigniss zurück. Es wird schwierig. Es wird brutal schwierig. Bald kommt Zeit für deine Verfolger.
Was Aufgabe von heute? Hadri und raphael immer geholfen,wenn kein Punkt dafür war. Na,schön. Sowas habe nie gesehen. Wie ich schreibe-es ist kein Blödsinn. Im MC habe nie ein Blödsinn gesehen. 100% Gebiet unter Kamera.