So first a few pictures a week. Canada CDN AM is back
Week of Tennis. Also Mc Enroe and Isner is here. McE is paying for a”bad and unloving boy”. Getting his signature was for starspotters like Nepal for us. I have not seen them so enthusiastically.
and other attractions …
So that’s the basic data and big, but we’ll leave the big fish on Monday. The record of 2016 is offset. I apologize for the outage and thank you for the favour!
And on Monday MEGAFISH!!!
Sat. 23.9.: It was full here all summer. And nothing for plates spotting.
Until now, real adventurers appear.
A megafish? I guess moto TW ?!?
AM 11SS009 – pleased me, I saw at my Prague visit in April.
It’s a car. But stay you on the Asia Land.
Ano ty AM,AZ,UAE apod. se často vracejí a když se nakumulují vznikne z toho skvělý týdenní výsledek.
Tento týden už viděný AZ,GE,AM,RL,KWT takže už po pátku je 47 států.
To René: I saw in my city TIR MK/KO. This is KUMANOVO city?
Kumanovo would be KU. KO stands for Kočani.
You can look at this site for many licenseplate codes:
What’s your city, by the way?
Many thanks for your information. Wikipedia sites are welcome for my mainly Balcan cars identifications. I live in Tábor city in South Bohemia, TIR MK was in a local canning firm with a vegetables. I think that you live in Berlin or Leipzig? Best regards Josef.
Is matterazzi Bigfish SYR ? Your guess?
Yes, wikipedia helped me a lot, too. ;)
I live in leipzig. I guess berlin would be better for some big spots, but from time to time i manage to find some nice stuff here, too.
The bigfish-question: I think SYR is rather middle-east then asia. Therefor i would pick KGZ. But one never know what a BIGFISH for materazzi is. The difference between leipzig and prag to find some fine lp’s is huge – maybe it’s even LAO. I am curious.
Der geländewagen vom Samstag könnte aus ZA sein, stimmts?
Vor einer Woche hatte eine Freundin einen “Safari-Jeep” an einem Einkaufspark zwischen der Autobahn und Leipzig-City gesichtet. ZA!! Ich hab innerlich fast geweint: So ein Highlight so nah und doch gleich wieder entschwunden. : (
Das kenne ich sehr gut. Sonst von den zwei deinen Tips ein Volltreffer.
Welcher? Ca. um 13 Uhr.