Far below the equator, far beyond Madagascar : Reunion

Nr.93 : Reunion REU                                                                                                                         reunionmapa1 DSC08139 DSC08140 DSC08138 Cars from PRG: Rallye 7 Castles with very rare Siata Gran Sport 1953 and more                   DSC08174 DSC08175 DSC08179 DSC08188 DSC08190 DSC08193 DSC08183 DSC08189Libya                             USA                               Macedonia-?                 S                                    DSC08204 DSC08197 DSC08209 DSC08200 DSC08196 DSC08211 DSC08212 DSC08210India  Motorcycle Import .                                                                There is a nice everywhere! Woche 17 setzte aufwaerts Trend fort. Es kamen auch schon viele Motoraeder. Am Sammstag war zu sehen 39 Laender. Das ist  schon ein Top Season Wert. Ingesamt dann 42.

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6 Responses to Far below the equator, far beyond Madagascar : Reunion

  1. Helvetics_VS says:

    I’m almost sure this car isn’t from Réunion! With new French plates, you can choose whatever code you want with your plate, and it’s trendy now in France to choose a far away department!

    • materazzi says:

      Thank you. Good. But then when it really is? I do not enjoy it. The whole system is not good.
      Please what is it new Macedonia?

      • Helvetics_VS says:

        For the previous system, you can be sure the car was there! For the new one, look if there’s any dealer name on the plate or on the windows, , that’s the only way to be sure….

      • materazzi says:

        Thank you. I know. It’s a bad system. Thanks the UK for GBJ, GBZ etc.

  2. raphael says:

    In France with the actual system (AB-123-CD) we can choose whatever code. There is a lot of people who choose 971 (Guadeloupe) / 972 (Martinique) / 973 (French Guiana) / 974 (Réunion) / 976 (Mayotte) but in 99.99% of case their car have never been there.

    • materazzi says:

      Good. But then when it really is? I do not enjoy it. The whole system is not good.
      And what is it blue MK? Thank you.

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