RSM crashed his autonomy car

Sunday noon, port. Only 3 visitors. Also CZ. They just spoke with CZ : 3° C, fog, a blanket of smog. Extremely pleasant meeting.

My MC “kamarádka”.

Metropole garage. A man drives out of a parking space. He can’t get out. He’s playing with his phone or keys in his hand. The car returns to its parking space by itself. Bang. There are two depths. The navigation only understood the deeper one. My first encounter with an autonomous car didn’t go well.

We also talked about Charles. The MC Auto Club is showing a great film about this year’s GP. Absolutely the highest quality and sharpness of the picture. The prince cried, the ice sphinx Charlene cried, I cried at the TV too.

Woche 55 (+5) ,einer der besten Ergebnissen überhaupt. Es fehlte an BIH u. RKS. Es wird sich lange nicht wiederholen.

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