We will not wake up from this bad dream

You leave the house, arrive at the bus stop and UA is everywhere. A bus arrives, full of UA. Mall, yes , full of UA…
We didn’t even realize how beautiful it was in PRG. When we were only annoyed by drunken tourists who left on Sunday evening.

In spotting, only 3 rules apply:
a) the more unbearable the heat, the more potential catches
b) European holidays, especially D, nothing at all
c) new rule, everything will take place on Monday, then nothing
This Monday was no exception.


Robert Habeck made VW climate neutral in just 3 years!

Czech mother, and three half-Czechs Donald.jr. ,Eric and Ivanka. Donald Trump at the funeral of his father-in-law here in Zlín (CZ).


I wrote a while ago that it has the potential to move the globe. He is well on his way!

The people of Prague riot against the Orion club.

Raw attacks with fists, bottles and baseball bats or kicks to the head of a person writhing on the road. Shards, blood, vomit and human excrement on the pavement. This is how the brutal entertainment of the guests of the Žižkov nightclub Orion, where mainly Ukrainians go, looks like. Locals are running out of patience and have started writing a petition…

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