The only rule that works without exception. The more heat, the more catches. But without me. Surprisingly, the best weather: 20ºC, rain, clouds, greenery appeared everywhere – Geneva. Among the Top 5 best places to live on the planet and also among the Top 5 most expensive. One out of two for me
the sweetest, most pleasant.
There is nothing left to collect. Apart from Nigeria and Ghana, everything that has ever been seen in GE has already been registered this year. 85 states, equal to last year’s number. Everyone participated. MC, GE and PRG.
Full of PRG catches. But on top of that the sweltering, suffocating heat to the point of insanity. And who rules us! Actually, people chose them voluntarily. And now it’s not enough to be surprised. Probably like those in D who made a similar choice.
Were they so stupid in both countries that they didn’t know? Brotherhood of Liberal Democracy. Deleting posts, reporting, firing, rewriting history, political processes…
By the way, today in GE only 2 UA for the whole day!
Such a Hamilton. I, I, I won. I am…As far as I know Charles, he is most happy to have made the millions of us who love him happy.