He wouldn’t chase the dog away, they say in our country. But people came. And there were a lot of them. 100 thousand.
Even from Poland! “Nie idzmy na te wojne”(No, let’s go to war). “To nie Nasza Wojna” (Its not our War).
After two hours I leave for the heat. I then watch what the media are writing while having coffee. Some have live subtitles. And I read. After the end of the demonstration, an attempt was made to remove the UA flag from the sacred building of the National Museum. Quickly to the bus and back.
The fight is over. Injury on both sides. 18 people arrested. A photographer of a well-known CZ media reports to the newsroom via mobile phone: “Police brutality, they pushed us down the stairs, many injured.”
Woche 48 (-1). Vielleicht nur AL könnte noch kommen, sonst alles was möglich ist ,war dabei. Ein Fisch from So. Abend kommt noch bald.