I took food and drink. For survival. But to meet an open real Boulanger with fresh Raissins and a proper coffee is a real joy.
IR women fight for peace and freedom. Still the same scenario. You are not coming with us – you are going against us. They sold a few drones and lo and behold – the people are rioting. How similar to Maidan. It was also then that they behind Atlantic got the idea for a base in the Crimea. And behold, the people suddenly began to riot. They no longer wanted RUS gasoline for 0.20 ∈ per liter. Even the darkest forces from us went there to piss people off.
This group should have gone to lay a flower, see the first line. I would like to note that all the IRs I met were extremely nice and nice people. Yes, they played IR music. From disco to those chants. What are they on youtube, how an endless convoy of Toyota Hilux full of flags and Kalashnikovs drives. That was probably the most interesting thing from today.
Nice 36. Including BY, MD, AL…But surprise? No way.
Hoffnunglose Woche endet danks Cannes (5) und Nice (2) anständig 48 (+-0) zum drittenmal im Folge.