Anyone standing on Wenceslas Square will see the passing of many hundreds of Harleys in the morning, at 2 pm the first mass attempt to overthrow the Ukrainian-German government based at NovoUA, and a marathon in the evening.
“Říšský protektor Olaf Scholz však přijel do Prahy sdělit svým pohůnkům následující: Vzdáte se práva veta v Radě EU, abychom mohli kdykoli rozhodovat o vás bez vás (a bez Maďarska a dalších vší v kožichu, které odmítají obětovat zájmy svých občanů na oltář zájmů Německa).”
As always-absolutely great Dr. Macek, comments on Olaf Scholz’s visit to PRG: However, the Reich Protector Olaf Scholz came to Prague to tell his followers the following: You will give up your right of veto in the Council of the EU so that we can make decisions about you at any time without you (and without Hungary and other lice in fur coats who refuse to sacrifice the interests of their citizens on the altar of the interests of Germany).
And from one of Jeremy Clarkson’s books: …look at Germany. Give him a nation, and he will immediately want all those around him.