There are no tourists

If we don’t count, those disgusting and embarrassing farewell parties. Most pubs have an inscription on the door: No stag parties. Who doesn’t know it, I don’t even want to describe it here. Even when a man disguises himself as a woman, my stomach rises. In a neighboring country, they consider it humorous.

The beautiful rare Shelby 350 GT mustang from Le Mans has arrived in CZ. A great rarity.

The French elections are approaching. It is noteworthy that in places 2-5 (Le Pen, Melenchon, Zemnour, Perecrez) there are candidates who promise to withdraw from NATO and the EU. What is the silence about the F election in Germany. There (and since the last election in our country) everyone would be declared right-wing extremists, fired, no one would rent them a hall or an apartment. Only tons of dirt and hatred would be worth it.
France, I keep my fingers crossed!

(Macron 28, Le Pen 21, Melenchon 15, Zemnour 11, Perecrez 10. This is 28:57)



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2 Responses to There are no tourists

  1. In addition this year we only have “criminals” (All these people went to court, except maybe Emmanuel Macron).

    En plus la cette année on a que des “criminels” .Toutes ces personnes sont passés au tribunal, sauf peut-être Emmanuel Macron.

    • materazzi says:

      Thanks. It’s bad everywhere, I know. And the fact that gasoline costs in CH as well as in CZ is the smallest.

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