The best news has come now: Verstappen is the F1 world champion

Pure euphoria from the noon beauty still without people.                                                                  Gare de Cannes – à bientôt.

Unerwartet gute Woche 52 (+-0). Und das ohne BIH, MK, MNE.

I am extremely happy (I did not believe) that the world champion is Max Verstappen, a racer and not Lewis Hamilton, a political activist. I very much welcome the fact that the championship was won by a nice Honda and not Mercedes, a giant that produces cars mainly for very dubious existences. I am very glad that the knight, as his predecessors were, won again.                                                                                                                                 

Congratulations to Max Verstappen, to the more 10,000 Dutch who arrived to encourage to A.D. and the whole of the Netherlands.

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