Chief of the CZ Crisis Staff: The border will remain closed for a long time.

Uzbekistan UZ                                                                                                                                                                           Andorra AND                                                                                                                                      

Otherwise there is peace and order. No plundering of shops, 99.9% of the population wear (as ordered) masks, no riots, corona partys, etc., as elsewhere. I really like it. That silence and space. And I feel warm that the border again protects us from invasions of so-called “tourists.” And the parasites connected to them disappeared. And also against those fanatical, self-destructive ideologies.

Verhältnissmässig gute Woche. 41 Staaten (-1). Überraschung AND hinter meinem Haus und 1MC . Fr. 34 . Ausser AND u. MC alles LKW. Gesamt fehlten nur MNE und N.

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2 Responses to Chief of the CZ Crisis Staff: The border will remain closed for a long time.

  1. Helvetics says:

    Don’t you think it’s paradoxical to call tourists “parasites” when your main hobby consists of spotting the most foreign plates as possible?
    I completely agree that mass tourism is killing the atmosphere of city centers (I experienced this in Saint-Petersburg when I lived there), but I don’t think the whole city is “infested” with tourists… Also, tourism shares a big part of the local economy… You just need to find the good balance!

    • materazzi says:

      And the parasites connected to them disappearad.
      Apparently you have never been in Prague. St.Peterburg is Geneva, Monaco.

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