The ships returned to the harbor after noon. Naively I thought for lunch. I ask the Russians when they sail again. That they don’t know. Only then did I realize that she was absolutely calm. The first car is Spyker, a crazy NL automaker, which made about 50 cars per year and took over SAAB with the production of hundreds of thousands. It also went down to the bottom complet. That black convertible is AC. One of those dozens of defunct British famous brands.
So that’s beauty. L? GBG? Bermuda? Or? I mean first.
So the only thing that was moving on the surface was 105 m Lady Moura, from Nassau, Bahamas, a Saudi billionairs Nasser al-Rashid, Even 15 curious people watched the arrival. Sailboats no longer moved today.
Whenever I see these beautiful sailboats, I think of a journey across the Atlantic. so I searched and it is quite common. It’s not like a plane. This is 4000km. What I liked most about the whole article was how this traveler praised how safe it was. He hasn’t met a ship in 18 days.