Jazz- dechovce to šlapalo. Boss nechal bugatti k zaparkování a s mocnou ochrankou odjel v busu. Dnes Luxury transport plně pod kontrolou. Dokonce čekám až se objeví, aniž by mi kdo řekl ,kam jede. Ne každý den dovezou delehay.
Skoda Auto’s glorious times at the Monte Carlo Rally. Traditionally the winner of the lowest class. Occasionally in the top ten. Even under communism.
Until now, the potions of Germany said. We won’t race anymore. Now we will save the planet and take care of the “refugees”.
How will the world be?
The Germans have a beautiful expression for it. Tottlangweillig.
A tady už RMC 2018 zase jednou na vlastní oči. Slavná éra Fabia.