Yes it’s right . Thanks to all. I’m absolutely amazed. Bonaire,Belize and TM. today we have all shades of red
Woche brachte 41 (-1) Länder. Ganze Woche MNE,MD (±3 pro Tag) und am Anfang riesige SLO Welle. Auch H um die jede Ecke. Nr.2 hinter D Masse. Dagegen keins MC,IRL,USA. Im Oktober waren zu sehen satte 60 Länder.
I was looking for new sites for Tip it! and I was interested in this photo.
Is there anyone who could find this place?
I do not. There’s no LP-so just for my (maybe not only my) admiration.
The picture was taken in Pitcairn Island! You can read “Henderson Island 168 km” on the sign, it helped me a lot ;)
I even found the exact place on Google Street View!,-130.1130664,3a,56y,176.24h,79.5t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1stv4SXS7Oy68Ij-EcCWgozw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
No sensational. That’s what it is. That Henderson Island might not even have been read.
It’s just that London is about 300 from Paris so it had to lie on the London-Paris line. And then I would look for those 15000 on the South Pole. I guess I would do it on an ordinary globe I have at home.
But I suspected that in the GPS, Street view, etc., it would be different.
As I say. Super. Yes it is Pitcairn. But there is no LP in the report.
Wow, no. 1! But René is very close
It is so. From bottom to the top. 2x you missed it very closely, then you were perfect 5 times in succession.
In finally surprised me. It was very difficult.
We will repeat it again. Last. Total hard.
Watch this. Soon it will come.