On Monday: 2 pretty cool catches

So they all guessed. And many right.
Previously, a recapitulation.                                                                                                                   2012 (VIII-XII) 53  Countries ,   2013  71 ,  2014 79 ,  2015 78 ,  2016 84 ,  2017 87                            2018 79.                                                                                                                                               At the same date last year: 82. We are -3. In May it was still -7.

Last year I ran out of the hot city of Prague to the island. Nowhere is there. The more the north the more dry  and  the heat.                                                                                                            

One of our politicians used the term “Burned Earth”.
So it is the current PRG. Surely do not drive now.
A beautiful past, but a terrifying present.

For the last three years, the last weekend of July is the first alltime of the year.                    2016 CO, 2017 MEX, 2018… MNG                                                                                                         

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25 Responses to On Monday: 2 pretty cool catches

  1. René says:

    The long-awaited Asian state: my Tip-RP, Philippines.

    I do not know anything about a new plate of a cult country. Can you narrow it down a bit? Is it from Europe?

    • materazzi says:

      Good, ich schreibe Philipinen.
      René, lese richtig. Steht dort: Was für
      eine Woche haben wir im Lidl? Ich hoffe ,ich bin erste Spotter mit dem neuen Kennzeichen. Selbst plague hat noch nicht.

    • materazzi says:

      René, small auf Asia Verhältnisse.

  2. berry says:

    U me je tip jasny- Mongolsko

  3. raphael says:

    Sri Lanka ?

  4. René says:

    Ok, I thought you mean a Lidl action next week. Nevertheless, I have broken my head, which Asian, relatively small country has cult status. I’m trying my luck with KGZ (though J, ROK and UZ might be possible too). ;)

    • materazzi says:

      OK ,your tip is Friday KGZ ,Sat. alltime Philippines.
      Danke Dir. Bei uns ist heiss. Die LP´s machen wir einzige Freude.

  5. Indrek says:

    Nepal or Uruguay

  6. PlateSpotterGB says:

    Saturday all time premiere – Vietnam?

  7. Héctor says:

    United Arab Emirates?
    Maybe from the new style

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