May 20 2017: 72 Countries May 20 2018: 65 Countries
USA North Dakota Premiere, Colorado Cars Collector Premiere
San Marino RSM Gruzia GE Kosovo RKS
after 3 Weeks again MNE
We were visited by the world’s largest airship
Woche 44 Staaten (+2). Alles dabei ausser TR. Am Sammstag 37.
There is a lot of US plates this year in Prague ! How many US states have you seen since you are a spotter ?
Only Luisiana and South Dakota are missing.
Wow it’s impressive.
And if you saw what they were doing! Especially VW Busses, painted, stickers, roof racks or cruisers …
Even then did the US not belong to the rarest states. A little above E. But E has since recorded a 1000% increase. And the US is still driving the same way.
How many states have you photographed?
Look at the USA. There are 65 articles in which the US appears. And the rest of it is in my children’s notebook. We just wrote it.
You don’t know how many states you have photographed? I would be interested to know
All photos and data are on the blog.(Numbers of Countries)
If you think USA, you have to add yourself. I do not know.
Du hast 49 von 51 amerikanischen Staaten gesehen? Der absolute Wahnsinn! Ich denke, ein Spotter in den USA selbst würde lange brauchen, um auf eine solche Quote zu kommen! ;) Ich war bisher erst bei 4 Staaten erfolgreich, ironischerweise war auch South Dakota dabei. :)
Ja das kann sein. Die Cal. fahren sicher mehr nach Europa als nach New York.
Ja, mir hat auch halbes Leben gekostet.
Gut ist auch Idaho,Montana,Arkansas…Alles im blog.