
And we have the mystery. I was completely out. Now an explanation was offered. But I do not know, I do not know.

Yes ,Hadri and raphael says Italia.

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4 Responses to ???

  1. raphael says:

    It’s not France. In F, DG-503-PC is assigned to a Renault Clio. Maybe I ?!

    • materazzi says:

      Yeah, I thought UA or KZ. But nothing. So I put it in the search engine DG … and it’s here.
      But UA was there. I made in UA.

  2. Hadri45 says:

    Old italian serie.
    “Ukranian style”, spotted also in Kiev.

    • materazzi says:

      Yeah, I thought UA or KZ. But nothing. So I put it in the search engine DG … and it’s here.
      But UA was there. I made in UA.

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