Picture of the half-glacial period

USA                                                                                                                                         dsc00313 dsc00315 dsc00300 dsc00312    Secret and highly guarded garage in the center of Prague. The premier’s visit.                      dsc00289 dsc00288 dsc00285 dsc00287    CZ person                                                                                                  LT some                           dsc00283 dsc00307 dsc00299 dsc00175    at this time makes pleasure …                                                                                                     dsc00308 dsc00282 dsc00292 dsc00296

Woche brachte zum Schluss 43 Laender. Danks vorallem Wocheanfangs in A/D (MNE,IRL.IR). Nicholas Day : USA Texas and visit Nicholas and devil little Japanese tourist not…                                                                                                                                 dsc00316 dsc00317 dsc00319 dsc00318

6/12: At this point it should be a few pictures of the Korean SUV.
But I was not allowed to sit in the bus.
It’s a new phenomenon. Last year in early December:

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