One week on the Isle of Fehmarn – Gate to Scandinavia

Everything good is coming back, that was in motion. I did not catch the Åland Islands, Guernsey and Islands on the Highway.                  5 China RC                                         DSC06054  DSC05932 DSC05933 DSC05975   Welcome License Plates Cuba C –too nice- real be                                                                        DSC06049 DSC05970 DSC05922 DSC05913 Cyprus CY                     Faroe Islands FO          Jersey GBJ                                               DSC05976 DSC06046 DSC06043  DSC05960 Marocco MA                 Algier DZ                       DK old                            Sweden Best       DSC05948 DSC06040 DSC06047 DSC06013 Exceptional travelers                                                                                DK Test              DSC05989 DSC05993 DSC06041 DSC05985  Total inspired me : Kite Surfing                                                                                                    DSC06025 DSC06019 DSC06021 DSC06017    DSC06027 DSC06029 DSC06030 DSC06016 DSC06036 DSC06022 DSC06023 DSC06031 There were seen 44 states. Even without that here it was nice.                                                                                                                                               DSC05947 DSC06039 DSC05910 DSC05907 With Sunday Prague Week 33 : 47 Countries


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