June 15: Start of a crazy experiment. Prague has the worst cards.

The whole time we were told about the holiday at home. And most of them liked it. Me too. Then suddenly there were there: everyone had to go abroad. Italy even became the first country in the world to declare itself a covid-19 free. It wasn’t until weeks later that NZ followed her.
Coincidentally, the most polluted countries are the most frequent visitors to the PRG. USA, RUS, I, E, BR, NL, B …
I bought a Moldex FFP3 respirator (it breathes poorly) to at least minimize the dangers of the necessary journey in public transport. If there is any total antisymbol of the whole crisis – it is rude, undisciplined, ruthless … western youth. (Un) welcome in Prague!

     It’s busy here. Yesterday 34. There is still something to watch. Like in a computer game. But it is impossible to take care of everything. So it’s more about presence than documentation. Kazachstan KZ.

It is touching to watch the support of the automotive industry. First maimed, spit on and now “cured”. Even without coranavir, automakers have come to an end with emissions. New cars are worse than those 10 years ago.
It is touching to watch the support of airlines, hotels, pubs … It seems to me as if we were subsidizing a typewriter manufacturer. I still believe that there are enough people who have changed their values and lifestyle. Forever.

I watch a lot more TV now. I highly recommend The Great Train Journey with Michael Portillo. Now he is just (on Prima Zoom) on his way from UA (Odessa), via GE to AZ. I hope it goes on. Great!

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2 Responses to June 15: Start of a crazy experiment. Prague has the worst cards.

    • materazzi says:

      Země EU i v době nejvyšší konjunktury, v době přemísťování celé zeměkoule sem a tam ,vyhospodařovaly gigantické mínusy.
      Už nebudeme stavět elektrárny, vyrábět auta a vlastně vůbec nic. To si koupíme v Číně. My budeme už jen zachraňovat planetu , starat se o národy kterým jsme jen po celou historii ubližovali a vést idealistické bláboly.

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